Awardee Organization(s): VNS Health | Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Principal Investigator(s): Maryam Zolnoori, PhD
Official Project Title: A Speech-Processing Algorithm for Automatic Screening of African American Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Early Dementia in Home Health Settings
AITC Partner: PennAITech

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early-stage dementia (ED) are prevalent concerns, impacting one-in-five adults over age 60. Alarmingly, a significant percentage of these cases remain undiagnosed, leading to missed timely interventions. Our data emphasizes that African American seniors are particularly vulnerable, with existing disparities in healthcare access, biases, and varying health literacy levels exacerbating the situation. A novel observation we intend to leverage is the correlation between linguistic shifts and the onset of cognitive issues. Language, a foundational element of cognition, exhibits early perturbations during cognitive decline. The nuances of these changes can vary across racial boundaries, influenced by dialectic variations such as African American Vernacular English. In this pivotal study, our objective is to architect a diagnostic tool to detect nascent signs of MCI-ED by analyzing African American patients’ verbal communications during regular health consultations. By meticulously recording, processing, and extracting linguistic and phonetic features from these conversations, complemented by additional clinical data, we aim to devise a potent screening algorithm. This initiative aligns seamlessly with the National Institute on Aging’s focus on early identification of cognitive impairment in the elderly. The prospective outcome, an innovative algorithm, holds promise to enhance timely MCI-ED diagnosis efficacy, especially among African American individuals, thereby optimizing care quality and addressing longstanding disparities.

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