Conversational Care Technologies

The PI’s research team will use a human-centered approach to design, build, and evaluate conversational care technologies that scaffold meaningful care discussions between older adults and their informal caregivers
Awardee Organization(s): University of Michigan
Principal Investigator(s): Robin Brewer, PhD
Official Project Title: Conversational Care Technologies
AITC Partner: PennAITech

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Designing Usable Technologies for Older Adults via Data-Driven Whole-Person User Personas

Using machine learning to create data-driven user personas for the design of usable technologies for older adults
Awardee Organization(s): University of Minnesota

Principal Investigator(s): Robin Austin, PhD, DNP, DC, RN-BC
Official Project Title: Designing Usable Technologies for Older Adults via Data-Driven Whole-Person User Personas
AITC Partner: PennAITech

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Detecting Respiratory Distress in Patients with Advanced AD/ADRD Using Radio Sensors

AI-enabled near-field coherent sensing (NCS) radio sensors to detect respiratory distress for advanced AD/ADRD patients who are unable to self-report
Awardee Organization(s): Weill Cornell Medicine
Principal Investigator(s): Veerawat Phongtankuel, MD
Official Project Title: Detecting Respiratory Distress in Patients with Advanced AD/ADRD Using Radio Sensors
AITC Partner: PennAITech

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Feasibility of Digital Monitoring to Detect Autonomic Markers of Empathy Loss in bvFTD

Wearable sensors capturing digital autonomic biomarkers to detect empathy loss for frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD)
Awardee Organization(s): University of Pennsylvania Frontotemporal Degeneration Center
Principal Investigator(s): Emma Rhodes, PhD
Official Project Title: Feasibility of Digital Monitoring to Detect Autonomic Markers of Empathy Loss in bvFTD
AITC Partner: PennAITech

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Leveraging Patient Portals to Support Caregivers

Using natural language processing to create an AI-based algorithm from EMR data to identify non-traditional caregivers who might benefit from dyadic interventions
Awardee Organization(s): University of Colorado | Kaiser Permanente
Principal Investigator(s): Jennifer Portz, PhD
Official Project Title: Leveraging Patient Portals to Support Caregivers
AITC Partner: PennAITech

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PennAITech Home

The overarching goal of the Penn Artificial Intelligence and Technology (PennAITech) Collaboratory for Healthy Aging is to identify, develop, evaluate, commercialize, and disseminate innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) methods and software to support older adults and those with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) in their home environment. The Collaboratory is motivated by the need for a comprehensive pipeline from technology-based monitoring of older adults in the home, collection and processing monitoring data, integration of those data with clinical data from electronic health records, analysis with cutting-edge AI methods and software, and deployment of validated AI models at point of care for decision support.

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PennAITech News and Events

You can download our latest newsletter here. We are launching our webinar series for this academic year. The purpose of this webinar is to foster a dialogue exploring clinical, ethical and technological opportunities and challenges associated with the use of technology to promote aging, and to introduce different perspectives at the intersection of informatics and gerontology.

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PennAITech Resources

The overarching goal of the Technology Identification and Training Core is to use evidence from the literature, stakeholder and expert inputs to identify the technology needs of older Americans, as well as develop training activities for artificial intelligence (AI) and technology for scientists, engineers, clinicians, medical professionals, patients, policy makers, and investors.

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PennAITech Youtube Channel

The overarching goal of the Penn Artificial Intelligence and Technology (PennAITech) Collaboratory for Healthy Aging is to identify, develop, evaluate, commercialize, and disseminate innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) methods and software to support older adults and those with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) in their home environment. The Collaboratory is motivated by the need for a comprehensive pipeline from technology-based monitoring of older adults in the home, collection and processing monitoring data, integration of those data with clinical data from electronic health records, analysis with cutting-edge AI methods and software, and deployment of validated AI models at point of care for decision support. We share PennAITech videos (e.g., webinars, call for applications) in this youtube channel.

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