Combining AI-enabled RGBd+ stereo vision and thermal sensors for home monitoring and telehealth
Awardee Organization(s): Bestie Bot
Principal Investigator(s): Richard Everts
Official Project Title: RGBd+ Thermal Computer Vision Platform for Home Monitoring and Telehealth
AITC Partner: PennAITech

We’re developing a new class of a home-based, AI-enabled monitoring system that uses standard computer vision and thermal sensors to detect falls, notify caretakers in case of falland perform basic health diagnostics, all with industry-exceeding privacy and accuracy.
Specifically, we will:
1. Detect falls more reliably in day and night conditions
2. Increase the capabilities of remote health checks through mobility and thermal testing
3. Reduce AI biases for the BIPOC population through our data generation tools and methods
Using unique sensor fusion along with a patented new AI system, our goal is to vastly increase the reliability, adoption, and privacy of in-home monitoring systems for use by those aging in place and their families.

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